Stalling Busk School Room 2013/14 Season Program of Events.

Stalling Busk School Room in the hamlet of Stalling Busk is a focal point for community events and draws visitors from around the dales and further afield.

The hard working committee organise a full program of interesting and varied events throughout the year, from supper clubs to whist drives and lectures to traditional Harvest Supper events. There is the annual fête with its renowned afternoon tea and a treasure hunt as well as a fell walk.

Events are arranged around the farming calender, so there is a break in April while the bulk of lambing takes place, and events are always subject to the weather! The events held throughout the dark winter months are a welcome break and an opportunity to get out and enjoy a traditional social event with members of the wider community. That said, visitors who are staying in the area will always be made welcome and invited to participate in any of the events.

  • 18th September 2013 Traditional Harvest Supper 19:30 at School Room Stallling Busk.
  • 25th October 2013 Dominoes with supper 19:30 at School Room Stallling Busk.
  • 29th November 2013 Talk by Jerry Pearlman with soup and sweet supper.19:30 at School Room Stallling Busk.
  • 3rd January 2014 Games night with bring and share supper. 19:30 at School Room Stallling Busk.
  • 19th February 2014 Dominoes with supper. 19:30 at School Room Stallling Busk.
  • 21st March 2014 Talk by Dr. Barry Hobson “The Toilets in Pompeii” with pie & pea supper. 19:30 at School Room Stallling Busk.
  • 21st May 2014 Walking Tour of Hawes & Gayle. Explore the hidden corners and learn some of the local history. Followed by sandwiches in a local hostelry. Details to follow of time and location.
  • 18th June 2014 Walk the fells with Bryan Peacock. Take a walk in some of the surrounding hills. Venue to be confirmed.
  • 17th August 2014 Summer Fête with renowned afternoon tea. Starts at 15:00 at the School Room Stalling Busk.

We hope you enjoy the program of events for the coming year and manage to attend one or all the events.

If you have any items that would be suitable for raffle or tombola prizes these would be gratefully received.

For more information please contact Jane Sowerby by email at or Margaret Iveson 01969 650379


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